Tenants moving out? New tenants moving in?
Don’t rely on your tenants to inform Strata Council when they will be moving. Ultimately, it’s the landlord’s responsibility to notify Strata Council of a change in tenants.
Let us know by filling out the Moving Notification Form here.
Fill out the form as if you are the tenant. You will need to fill out separate forms for the tenant moving out and the tenant moving in.
Bylaws and “Form K”s
Prior to renting a strata lot, you are required, as the owner/landlord, to provide the prospective tenant with:
- A copy of the current Bylaws and Rules; and
- A “Form K” – Notice of Tenant’s Responsibilities
DON’T FORGET: within two weeks of a tenant occupying a strata lot, the owner must submit a copy of the completed “Form K” to the Strata Council or our property management company.
You can find the contact information for our property manager here. Or, you can submit your completed “Form K” to Strata Council by depositing it in the Strata Correspondence mailbox in the Mailroom.