BCS 1941
We’d love to hear from you! Fill out the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can (usually after the next scheduled council meeting).
An owner, resident or tenant may contact Strata Council for any of the following:
- To reserve the Clubhouse, Guest Suite or Media Room
- To request special permission or exemptions relating to the bylaws or rules
- To lodge a complaint regarding bylaw infraction
- To dispute any Council decision
- To make any other request or suggestion
All requests, suggestions, questions, complaints and/or disputes directed to Strata Council must be in writing. That way, there is a record.
Any complaints about bylaw infractions and disputes with decisions of the Strata Council must clearly indicate the name and contact information of the party initiating the complaint or dispute. Anonymous complaints will not be addressed. We cannot resolve a dispute if we do not know who to resolve it with.