Reserve Guest Suite

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Confirm request:
Check-in Time 10:30AM
Check-out Time 10:00AM
I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions.
1. I will be fully responsible for the Guest Suite, including the associated facilities, furniture and equipment, from the moment I am granted access until the time that a member of Council inspects and determines that the Guest Suite is in good order.

2. I will:
a. Clean all facilities and furniture after use;
b. If moved, return all furniture to its original location;
c. Remove and properly dispose of all garbage and refuse;
d. Turn off all appliances, electronics and lights; and
e. Secure all windows and doors before leaving.

3. Smoking is not permitted in the Guest Suite.

4. Unaccompanied minors (persons under 19) are not permitted in the Guest Suite.

5. Alcohol is permitted in the Guest Suite, with the following restrictions:
a. Minors are not permitted to consume alcohol in the Guest Suite.
b. Alcohol use of any kind must be confined to the Guest Suite and outside patio; alcohol is not
permitted in any other area of the common property.

6. The Guest Suite will not be used for any illegal activities.

7. Use of the Clubhouse will not:
a. Involve undue traffic or noise about the common property between the hours of 11:00pm and
7:00am, or that encourages loitering by persons in or about the common property.
b. Make, cause or produce noise or do anything which will interfere unreasonably with any other
owner, tenant or occupant.