Property Manager

Esprit is professionally managed by:

Teamwork Property Management Ltd.

2670 Minter St.

Abbotsford, BC

V2T 3K2

Phone toll free: 1.866.941.6584

Emergency Phone Number:  778.241.7787

Fax: 604.854.1754

Olga Hutchinson  is the property manager for Esprit.  If you have not met Olga, she attends every Council Meeting, Annual General Meeting and Special General Meeting held in the Amenity Building.

To find out more about Teamwork, you can visit their website by clicking on the logo above.


In case of emergency, call the toll free number above.  The property management company maintains a 24-hour a day emergency answering service to receive emergency calls.

To ensure as quick a response as possible to any emergency, it is critical that you:

  • Identify yourself
  • Identify the location and nature of the emergency
  • Explain how you may be reached

Typically, an emergency includes fire, flood or property damage to common areas or serious injury to persons.